Conference App Info

Access to the app will begin in January 2025

Below are instructions for downloading and using the Conference App to read session descriptions, evaluate sessions, and more!

If you are having trouble with the app, please view troubleshooting tips here:

For tech support, please use the links in the app.

1. Download the ASCA Conferences App on your phone.

The conference app is available for both Apple and Android devices. Click the links below to download the app for your phone!

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You want the app called ASCA Conferences with an icon that looks like this:

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2. Launch the app and log in!

IMPORTANT: Use the email address associated with your registration to log in. Only participants with confirmed registrations have access to the app.

  • If your email address is in the registration system and this is NOT the first time you are using the app, you will be prompted to enter your password. If you do not remember your password, click the Forgot Password link to reset it.
  • If your email address is in the registration system and this is your first time using this app, you will be prompted to enter a password.

3. Use the app!

When you are logged in, you will see a screen with many options to view sessions, agendas, sponsors, and more. You can add sessions you wish to attend to your personal agenda.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the AzSCA 2025 Conference selected from the menu at the top of the app menu as indicated in the screenshot below.

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P.O. Box 30776
Mesa, AZ 85275-0776

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